Bangladesh Children Sponsorship Programme

Bangladesh Children Sponsorship Programme

This children sponsorship programme helps to provide food and basic essentials for the children staying at Bangalhalia Agapara Buddhist Welfare Orphanage (BABWO), a non-profit charity which runs a welfare home for orphans, destitute and disadvantaged children.  BABWO is located in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh.  This area is very poor with political unrest and armed conflicts resulting in unstable living situation and displacement of people in the area.  Parents often cannot afford to send their children to school and many children do not have access to education.  There are 120 sponsorships with the next renewal in June 2015.


这个赞助项目主要是提供食物和基本生活所需给这些贫困的孩子们,孩子们都被安排住在Bangalhalia Agapara 佛教福利孤儿院,它是一个照顾贫困和弱势儿童的非营利性慈善机构。目前有120名儿童获得赞助。


The boys from BABWO patiently queuing for their meal


FFM  President helping to serve porridge

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