FFM Support building of the Bhutan Nuns Training Center

After much support for the basic needs of Nuns in Bhutan since 2012, now FFM are ready to work with the Bhutan Nuns Foundation (BNF) in their long-term mission to enable and empower Nuns, so that they could practice and serve their communities better We had just committed to support…


Official handover of Anim (Nuns) Hostel @ the Samten Choling Nunnery

The official handover of the Anim (Nuns) Hostel @ the Samten Choling Nunnery is another FFM’s successful joint project with the Bhutan Nuns Foundation (BNF). We were very happy with the progress made by BNF to the living & practice conditions for nuns. In coming months, we are planning to…


Bhutan Nuns Sponsorship Programme

Bhutan Nuns Sponsorship Programme 不丹比丘尼 赞助计划 The Bhutan Nuns sponsorship programme helps to provide food and basic essentials for nuns from 7 nunneries.  These nunneries are located in remote areas where the surrounding communities are poor and have limited resources, the nuns are therefore vulnerable as their living conditions are…


[Bhutan] Nuns Healthcare Fund

Project Summary: The Nuns Healthcare Fund was established to enable nuns to seek necessary medical treatment. Period: since May 2013 Project Description: FFM volunteers learnt on their visit to remote nunneries that many nuns could not afford to seek medical treatment for their various illnesses and pains. The Healthcare Fund…


[Bhutan] Shedrup Choling Nunnery Construction

Project Summary: The construction of a nuns living quarters for the nuns at Upper Chothpo Goenpa nunnery. Period: January 2014 to current (near completion) Project Description: Shedrup Choling nunnery is located in Southern Bhutan. The nearest town is Gelephu which is 11 hours drive from Thimphu, capital of Bhutan. The…


[Bhutan] Upper Chothpo Goenpa Nunnery Construction

Project Summary: The construction of a two-storey building comprising of classrooms and living quarters for the nuns at Upper Chothpo Goenpa nunnery. Period: February 2013 to current (Completed in 2015) Project Description: Upper Chothpo Goenpa nunnery is located in Pemagateshel District, Eastern Bhutan and takes a three-day drive to arrive…
