BABWO Children and Bro Mong

Our Children

We are very happy for can live and study at BABWO peacefully and lighting up our lives. Thank you all Firefly Mission donors and Sun Fund, Singapore.


Parent and guardian of our children

Yes, we are also very happy for can send our children to the BABWO unless we have to difficult and our children also cannot get chance to do access education and deprived from their education rights and difficult to find the way of their brightness life. We are gratitude to BABWO and their donors.

Voice of Bro Mong

Yes of course, I feel very happy for could do something for BABWO, Firefly Mission and others in this life. It is my wholesome works. I cannot donate much but I love to help others as can as possible till the dead and give build a bridge of relationship between BABWO and Firefly Mission as if they can do their wholesome/Dana works. I myself would like gratitude to Firefly Mission and Swan Fund from my heart for their valuable kindness support. I have been done charity works and doing too. All the achieved of my wholesome/Dana are dedicated to late my beloved Mother and Father and all. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!

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