Bangladesh Projects

In mid 2011, the Bangalhalia Agapara Buddhist Welfare Orphanage (BABWO) faced a food crisis in feeding the 120 children under their care due to limited aid from the local government and irregular support from donors. The BABWO Volunteer Charity Adviser, Bro Mong Mong Thun Marma approached Firefly Mission.
Two FFM volunteers visited BABWO in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh in July 2011 and discovered that the food crisis was critical. On behalf of FFM, they made a donation to enable BABWO to continue to feed the 120 children for the next six months. Further visits were made by FFM volunteers in February 2012 and January 2013 and a number of projects have since been implemented in support of the minority Buddhist community in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Bangalhalia Agapara Buddhist Welfare Orphanage (BABWO)​​​
Our Mission Focus is on

BABWO Dormitory Extension Construction Project
Construction of Residential Junior High School
Bangladesh Children Sponsorship Programme
School Uniforms & Stationery

Community Welfare
SSSBO Solar Lighting and Water Supply Project
BSG Security Fencing Project, Urgent financial support for foods and blanket and jacket
BTO Urgent financial support for foods, blanket and jacket