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Special Projects - COVID19

Since the beginning of 2020, the spread of Covid-19 has impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. While Singapore has its fair share of Covid-19 infections, overall, what most Singaporeans suffer are mere inconveniences as a result of restrictions in our daily lives. In comparison, for many marginalized communities, particularly in the less developed countries, Covid-19 has led to loss of livelihood, hunger and tremendous hardships. 


In line with its humanitarian mission, FFM, together with various partner organizations, has provided support in the form of food and daily necessities for those most vulnerable and badly affected by the pandemic.


  • Singapore – Support Kampung Senang food relief

  • Sri Lanka – Partner with Karuna Trust for food and medicine relief

  • India – Partner with Nagaloka team of Nagarjuna Training Institute for food relief

  • Bangladesh – Partner with Bangladesh Marma Student Council for food relief

  • Laos - Partner with Singapore Embassy in Vientiane and Christopher Yeo to coordinate for food relief

  • Bhutan – Partner with Bhutan Nuns Foundation food, vitamins & masks distribution

  • Myanmar – Partner with Bro U Min Nyunt to arrange for food relief at Pyinn Oo Lwin to the trash picker families


​Firefly Mission would like to express its deep gratitude and thanks to all the people who have made this partnership project possible:


  • Kampung Senang

  • Karuna Trust

  • Nagaloka /Nagarjuna Training Institute

  • BABWO / Bangladesh Marma Student Council

  • Singapore Embassy in Vientiane

  • Shwegyin Youth Development Center (YDC) Myanmar

  • Bro U Min Nyunt compassion partner in Myanmar

  • Sis Low Siew Kiang, Bro Marc Leow , Sis Lim Shu Yin, Bro Goh Kuan Seng, Bro Christopher, coordinators for the Covid 19 projects

  • Donors & Volunteers of Firefly Mission Singapore

  • Other well-wishers and volunteers, too numerous to be named.


May we share the merits incurred herewith with our dearly departed ones, with our living relatives, friends, and all sentient beings.

May all be well, may all be happy.

May causes, conditions and resultants of this wholesome events, lead us to good health and wisdom.

May longevity, beauty, happiness and every blessing come to be.

May all our noble aspirations come to fruition in this very life.

Laos Covid


Kampung Senang is an eco-conscious charity with Institution of Public Character (IPC) status serving all people regardless of cultural or religious backgrounds. Firefly Mission donated S$2,000 to support Kampung Senang’s packed festive gift pack. In coordination with MOM, the festive gift packs are distributed to various worksite and dormitories.


Sri Lanka 

Covid 19 has left many families who depend on daily wageworkers struggling to feed their families because of a loss of livelihood. Although the government has promised to provide assistance, it has yet to reach many badly affected communities. The most vulnerable and weak such as the poor, children, women, elderly and sickly are those the hardest hit. It is feared that without help, many will die, not from the virus, but from hunger!


FFM’s donation of S$10,000 to Karuna Trust (KT), (a voluntary organization dedicated for improving the living standards of materially poor people in rural Sri Lanka), FFM contributes to food and medicine support for the most needy during this crisis.


Over the past few weeks, KT have brought comfort and alleviate worries of food shortages for many poor families in Matale, Thawalama and Trincomale.  In the Matale district, KT distributed 2-weeks consumptions of food items to total 8 orphanages, 2 monastic colleges, 15 temples and 8 churches.  In Thawalama  district, dry ration parcels were handed to 100  families. In Trincomale, 300 dry ration parcels were distributed. In Ramboda and Deramana in Kothmale Divisional Secretariat Division, dry ration was given to150 daily-waged workers who have lost their livelihood.


In addition, there are many requests for medicine from the elderly people who have no way of buying their medicine because their children had lost their daily earnings. KT also distributed medicine to some of these selected elderly patients in elders’ homes.

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In India, the extended curfew imposed in India since 24 March, left many poor families without livelihood, support as all economic activities grind to a halt. Among the hardest hit are the Dalits, one of the poorest outcast community in the country.


Through its donation of S$10000 to the Covid Relief Fund of the Nagaloka team at the Nagarjuna Training Institute, (an organization dedicated to uplifting the lives of the Dalits (outcast) community in India), FFM was able to provide food and other relief items to many impoverished Dalit families in Bodhagaya and Rajasthan.


Firefly Mission has also donated medical supplies to Garden Sharte Monastery in India. A total of 3 oxygen concentrator, Covid-19 vaccines, masks and other medical supplies are for Sangha in the monastery.



In Bangladesh, FFM works through BABWO’s Bangladesh Marma Student Council (BMSC) to support urgent food relief to the most vulnerable communities who are affected by the COVID-19 lockdown in the Khagrachari Hill District. 


This include 672 families in 8 sub-districts of the Khagrachari Hill Tracts. The total funding contributed by FFM is S$12,319



​Firefly Mission Singapore had made a donation of US$20,000 to support the needs of the Quarantine Centres in Vientiane. Christopher Yeo (representing FFM) and Sam Captain at the Lao Red Cross office in Vientiane to formally hand over the latest donation from Firefly Mission.

This is the second time Firefly Mission has donated US$20,000 to support the Lao Red Cross and the Lao Government's efforts on the COVID-19 front in 2022. The first donation was to support the quarantine centres for migrant workers returning to Laos. This donation will be devoted to managing and maintaining safe isolation centres for those who have tested positive for COVID-19.


We thank the Singapore Embassy in Vientiane for representing us in distributing the aids to Covid-19 Quarantine Center in Laos – thanks for the kind summary of our involvement and commitment in education and community welfare work in Laos. Also special thanks to our Singapore Ambassador to Laos H.E. Leow Siew Lin and Bro Christopher Yeo for helping to coordinate the aids with the Red Cross in Laos.

.… together we light up the world

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In Bhutan, FFM works with Bhutan Nuns Foundation to distribute food, vitamins and materials to make masks to the Nunnery and the workers. Total contributions is S$13,000



Working with Shwegyin Youth Development Center (YDC),  Bhante (Dr) U Ashin Aggasara as the advisor, assisted by Bro Aye Chan (Toe) in coordinating the preparation & distribution of medicine and food to villagers around Shwegyin affected badly by the covid19 pandemic. Bhante, Bro Toe & Children @ Shwegyin YDC have been working very hard in trying to relieve sufferings of many people around their region.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Together with another partner of compassion in Myanmar led by Bro Min, Firefly Mission had provided food and basic needs to villages.​

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