Siew Kiang
30 Apr 2020
14th FFM AGM over ZOOM
Firefly Mission has just concluded the 14th FFM-AGM over ZOOM on 1st May 2020.
We thank all that have taken time to join us this morning.
We extend our thanks to the outgoing Exco members (2018-2020) for their dedicated & valuable contributions, and thank those who have stepped forward to serve the new term (2020-2022).
We look forward to your continued support & encouragements.
… together we light up the world
A) President’s Report for AGM 2020
Warmest greetings to all members, volunteers and friends of the firefly mission (FFM). Wishing all and loved ones well and happy during this very difficult time. As we are working or studying from home, many are affected very badly by this Covid-19 crisis. For us living in Singapore, we are very fortunate that we have a very capable government that had helped us in many ways to buffer the impacts. Unfortunately we had also witnessed many people in developing countries such as India and Sri Lanka are so helpless. Together with our partners in compassion, we are extending our hands to relieve their sufferings. Sabbe Satta Sukhi Hontu. Back to Singapore, we would like to thank you so much for all your generous donations, strong support and kind encouragement! With all your compassionate contributions, we were able to help thousands of people, especially children from about 10 countries.In addition to our regular ongoing projects (ie. children/nun sponsorships in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar; Cambodia educational and free funeral services and Children’s food and welfare Programme in Bangladesh and Myanmar; Eye Camps in Myanmar & Sri Lanka), 2019 has been another busy but fulfilling year for us.
Developments of the buildings projects that we support are progressing very well:
Bangladesh – 2 Hostels;
Bhutan – Clean Water for Nunnery, and Training + Dining & Kitchen buildings @ Nuns Training Center
India – Traditional Medical Center;
Laos – 4 Schools;
Malaysia – main Kathina sponsor at Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary
Myanmar – 3 Schools & Clean Water Projects
Sri Lanka – Clean Water (RO) Systems
 During the year, we have officially handed over several schools that we sponsored in Laos, Malaysia and Myanmar. At the same time, we have also identified new villages that need new school buildings which we will be looking into in 2020.
We have also created hope, opportunities & most importantly brought smiles to many people in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and of course Singapore. 2020 is going to be another busy year for us, as we have committed to supporting the building of multiple schools, a training center, a medical center, a few hostels, eye camps and also continuing our sponsorship programmes We hope and continue to look forward to your continued support so that …… together we light up the world  With Much Gratitude, Metta & Sukhi HontuBro Yee Kong
B) The new Exco Team ( 2020~2022 )
President – Ng Yee Kong
Vice President – Arnold Lee
Vice President – Wiliam Yeoh
Vice President – Lim Meng Seng
Secretary – Low Siew Kiang
A. Secretary – Janet Ho
Treasurer – Michelle Lee
A. Treasurer – Rene Cho
Committee member – Elizabeth Kheh
Committee member – Serene Sia
Committee member – Melinda Ng
Committee member – Marc Leow
Committee member – Lim Jee Peng
Committee member – Meiti Roberts
Committee member – Ng Lay Hoon
Committee member – Bob Ang
Committee member – Eason Ku
Committee member – Vera Santiboon