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Thank You for your support – FFM/WAY Chinese New Year 2020 Celebration

10 Feb 2020

We would like to thank all for your very strong support and encouragement towards the planned event on 8-Feb (Saturday).

Unfortunately due to the recent 2019-nCoV incidence most homes had to cancel their participation of the event. And to prevent or reduce community fear and spread, we had painfully cancelled the whole celebrations. And we thank our members, volunteers, families and friends that had committed for 68 dinner tables for the evening. We received many encouraging messages from many old friends and members for the decision. And most had further supported by donating the dinner costs to our Children Welfare and Education Fund.

We are very grateful to our organising team, led by Sis Melinda Toh-Ng, advised by Sis Janet Ho and their team of very dedicated volunteers for putting so much and tireless efforts in planning and organising the event. We also thank Ban Heng Restaurant @ Harbourfront for their understanding on our cancellation of the event.

To show our appreciation, some of us, the exco, coordinators and the organising team had gathered at Ban Heng on 8-Feb for our Chap Goh Meh celebration. Dinner courtesy of Bro Arnold & Sis Patsy.

We hope to organise a dinner coming National Day (around 9-August) and hope that we could gather to celebrate together.

We dedicate all our accrued merits to victims and people infected and affected by the 2019-nCoV. We wish for sooner recovery for all.

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