If you have only one memory to capture each year ... what will that be?
Will you join us (FFM) to create that memory? ... and go on a path less travelled
This video summed up our major projects completed or executed in 2019:
- Feb-Mar: Bhutan [Dhammaduta, Education & Community Welfare]
- Mar: Keningau, Sabah [Education]
- April: Eye Camp @ Nyein Oo, Myanmar [Healthcare]
- May: Chittagong Hill Tract, Bangladesh [Community Welfare]
- July: Kinnaur, India [Healthcare] - Aug: Flood Relief @ Myanmar [Community Welfare]
- Aug: Mid-Autumn Festival @ THK Chai Chee Home [Community Welfare]
- Nov: Laos [Education]
- Dec: Eye Camp @ Anuradapura, Sri Lanka [Healthcare]
- Dec: Myanmar [Dhammaduta, Education & Community Welfare]
- Jan-Dec: Local Chapter [Community Welfare]
Glad to have you ... for being part of the memory ... we thank all our members, volunteers, donors and overseas partners in their strong and generous support for
Music: Gratitude by Sounds of Soul
Website: www.fireflymission.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fireflymissionSG
Email: enquire@fireflymission.org
Video created by Bro Lim Jee Peng
… together we light up the world